Life Insurance after Ablation

Written by Life Insurance with AFIB

Types of Ablation Procedures and How They Affect Your Life Insurance Premium

There are several different types of ablation procedures.  When attempting to obtain life insurance after ablation, especially cheap life insurance after ablation, it is important to understand how the insurance companies will underwrite you.  The type of ablation procedure you have can sometimes be a factor.  The biggest questions are was it successful, and have your Afib episodes decreased or ceased?  The two most common cardiac ablation procedures are catheter ablation and surgical ablation.

Will Surgical Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation Effect My Life Insurance Eligibility?

In the 1980’s surgical ablation techniques such as the Cox-Maze and Cox-Maze II were developed by Dr. James Cox.   The procedure was procedure was pretty invasive, put had positive results.  By creating scars throughout the left atrium, fibrillatory conduction was prevented.  The surgical ablation route is often performed when a different procedure is being performed requiring opening the chest such as valve replacements or bypass surgery.  Over time, with the advance of medicine and technology, less invasive surgical ablation techniques emerged such as the Mini Maze which only requires a 3-5 small incisions.  Special ablation tools are then inserted and used to treat Atrial Fibrillation triggers.  If you have had a surgical ablation, insurance companies want to know if there are any other issues such as heart disease.  After a surgical ablation we are often able to help you obtain a policy.  If heart disease is a factor, it can limit your options.  In many cases someone who doesn’t have any sort of heart disease that has an ablation, will often times have a catheter ablation.

Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation

Catheter ablation is the least invasive form of Cardiac ablation.  Travis Van Slooten, writer of the blog gives an account of his ablation experience.  During the procedure, the doctor utilizes a thin bendable tube that is inserted into a blood vessel.  Once inserted, normally into the leg or neck, it is channeled to the heart.  Once to the heart, it uses heat, cold, or radiofrequency to scar tissue in the region where AFib is triggered.  By destroying this tissue, it often times will allow the heart rhythm to beat regularly again, and illuminate or reduce the episodes experienced with AFib.  There are several types of Catheter Ablation.  Some common catheter ablation procedures are:

Atrial Flutter Ablation – A Catheter is inserted into right upper chamber of the heart, and creates scar tissue to block electrical signals causing AFib.

Supraventricular Tachycardia Ablation – Also inserted into upper chamber of the heart, and helps block electric signals that cause the heart to beat abnormally fast or erratically.

Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation – The catheter is inserted into the lower chamber of the heart, and destroys tissue in the ventricles where electric signals cause the heart to beat fast or irregularly.

Pulmonary Vein Isolation – Inserted into left upper chamber of the heat, and creates scar where each of the pulmonary veins connects, helping to illuminate or reduce symptoms of AFib.

How much is Life Insurance after Ablation?

There are many factors that dictate how much life insurance after ablation will cost post procedure.  In general, the company will want to know basic information below:

-Tobacco Status
-Height & Weight
-Family History
-Driving Record History
-General Health Questions

In addition to this basic information they will also want to know specific details about your Atrial Fibrillation. This will help the underwriter determine your risk level for life insurance after ablation.

-Date of Diagnosis
Paroxysmal or Chronic
-Level of severity
-Episodes dates
-Duration of episodes
-Whether medication is used to control your AFIB
-Date of your ablation procedure
-Any episodes since ablation

With these questions answered, the underwriter will access the information and make a decision, or even request more information.  Once all necessary information has been obtained, you may receive life insurance at rate applied for, you may be rated up, or you may be possibly declined.  Let’s take a look at some examples below.

Compare Rates for Life Insurance after Ablation

Bill – 47 year old, non-tobacco using male seeking a 20 year term policy for $500,000.  Bill had an ablation procedure 8 years ago with success.  Since his procedure, he has had no episodes.  The only mediation he takes is to regulate his blood pressure.  His atrial fibrillation is under control, and he maintains a healthy lifestyle.  After we shop several companies, we are able to get Bill a Regular rating with Lincoln Financial.  His policy premium is $112.96 per month.

Steve – 39 year old non-tobacco using male seeking a 20 year term policy for $250,000.  Steve had his ablation procedure 4 years ago with relative success.  His episodes had been frequent prior to his procedure, but now are only a couple of times per year.  He currently takes Digoxin, and is relatively healthy overall aside from the AFib.  Steve receives a Table II rating with Transamerica and obtains his policy for $50.31 per month.

Patricia – 50 year old non-tobacco using female.  Patricia is seeking a $750,000 10 year term policy.  She has chronic AFib and high blood pressure that are regulated by Warfarin and Digoxin.  Since she had her ablation procedure several years ago, her symptoms have improved, however she still has episodes from time to time.  She also has a family history of heart disease.  Previously when she applied with a local agent she was declined, and decided to give LifeInsuranceWithAfib a shot.  We were able to get her approved at a table IV rating.  Her monthly premium came out to be $201.65 with Protective.

Nancy – 62 year old tobacco user.  Nancy is seeking out a $150,000 10 year term policy to cover her mortgage in case she passed away prior to paying it off.  Nancy has Atrial Fibrillation and diabetes.  In addition to her insulin, she uses medication to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol.  Nancy is also slightly overweight, and does not exercise.  Based on her high risk, she is declined coverage.  Fortunately, since her mortgage was her main concern for coverage, we help her attain a Guarantee Issue whole life policy for $25,000 with Gerber.  Since her monthly mortgage payment is $675 per month, her loved ones would have the mortgage payments covered for 3 years after her death.  This would give them plenty of time to figure out there next steps, without having to rush and come up with the funds to keep the home from going into foreclosure.  The total monthly premium for her policy is $123.75 per month.

The above case studies illustrate how differently the rates can vary.   Before you generate an instant life insurance quote, we have some recommendations.

  1. No symptoms in several years after your ablation, have no heart disease, and are otherwise in very good health, then we recommend running an instant quote at the regular plus rate. This is a great starting point to gauge what sort of rates you will be looking at.
  2. No symptoms in in the last year after your ablation, have no heart disease, and are healthy other than blood pressure/cholesterol regulated by mediation, then we recommend running an instant quote at the regular rate.
  3. If you have recently had episodes, and/or currently take medication for AFib, and/or have any heart disease or conditions, then we recommend reaching out to us for a customized quote.

The Wrap-up

When seeking life insurance after ablation it’s important to understand which companies are better to deal with, than others.  Some are stricter and tend to deny, while others are receptive.  You can qualify for insurance with AFib, and we can help you navigate through the right companies.  With the right help, you can obtain the life insurance amount you need at the best price.  Our specialty in helping individuals with AFib and other heart conditions gives us the edge to help you.  Give us a call today, message us, or take a look at some instant life insurance rates with our quote engine.  May the best quote win!

About Life Insurance with AFIB
About Life Insurance with AFIB

We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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